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A peace of mind is possible.

The frequency and magnitude of data breaches are increasing. Boards of directors and executive management, in addition to IT departments, are more focused on better management and protection of IT systems and data than ever before. Yet, recent IT Security Surveys revealed 1 in 5 boards appear to have a low level of understanding of information security risks.

Most common questions we hear about data security and privacy:

  1. How can we develop, maintain and communicate data security and privacy strategies and policies in the most effective manner? 
  2. How do we balance these strategies effectively – managing applications, users, technical infrastructure and third-party vendors? 
  3. What can we do to prepare for and combat security incidents with expertise, speed and precision when they arise? 
  4. How do we manage changes in the regulatory landscape and ensure compliance?

In our experience, a “check the box” approach to compliance will not protect a company’s reputation.  Proactive measures and policies do.   An approach that focuses on three core concepts –  identifying and securing a company’s most valuable assets, continuous monitoring, and a structured, fast response to a breach – provide the clarity to move forward confidently.

How We Can Help
Leveraging industry best practices, we provide expert-level data security and privacy solutions to large, medium and small companies in the East African region. Our risk-based approach is more comprehensive than most because it focuses on creating a secure environment first.  For us, security is a focus – not an afterthought.